Marketing Plan

 Section 1 (20%) - 

Company (Distributor) background (e.g. brief history, nature of business, etc.) -

Groceries and clothing shop in Pennisula Plaza since 2011.

 Marketing objective(s) on the Chosen product/service - 

To provide general groceries and clothngs

S.W.O.T Analysis - Target customers -'

General normal income public

Strength- Genral customers

Weakness- Not to attract the rich people

 Product Positioning in the market 

Good to provide the general customer needs and wider demands

Section 2 (60%) - Describe the current marketing mix: -

Normal and middle income customers


Product - Pricing - Distribution - 

Pick up, Display store, Mail order

Marketing Communications (Promotion) 

Catalogue, website, FB page 

Section 3 (20%) - Evaluate whether the company is currently doing good marketing work. - 

$4000 / week revenue, Good income

Marketing Recommendations for improvement

More focus on customer needs and online promotion.


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